Monday, February 13, 2012

Hope for a new week...

Tis been a sad week in our town some very tragic events have occurred and I'm hoping this is a stretch of a new week for hope and happiness. It would take too long to go into detail and frankly too sad, there have been deaths and sicknesses/illnesses.  Loss of family and loss of the respect of family.  You realize time is fleeting, too short and although part of me thinks it's too short to fight, it's also too short to waste your time trying to change people or change the wrongs that they may do to you.  Sometimes the best way to press on forward is to remove yourself from relationships that become toxic, it hurts, and you cry because even if they are toxic you feel you can at least deal with the toxicity so long as you can have the relationship but the truth is, if someone isn't adding joy to your life....they are taking away from it. 

My words of encouragement for this week I say to you is...take the time to evaluate your life and trust that the people you have in your path are good and caring, kind & sharing.  Take time for you, and most important know that you are all worth all the beauty in the world.  You should never let someone make you take second best, love with all your heart, feel pain for a moment and keep walking in the same direction not to turn back, but walk towards everyday and it's renewed promise of a hope for a better tomorrow.  ♥

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